Jamie Miles, Director, Miles Better Vehicle Solutions
“BDQ is an amazing addition to our estimating capabilities. It has helped us secure more work, as we can provide an estimate in minutes to give straight to the customer. BDQ has also saved us a fortune, as you only pay a monthly fee and can produce as many estimates as you want. Part of the BDQ package is BDQ lite, Which is a great addition as a customer can compile their own estimate and they can then request for us to contact them, which again has brought more work into us.”
Andy Watson, Director, Silvester Crash Repair
“BDQ Lite and Instant quotes have been a game changer to the way we triage our retail and trade clients. With a link on our website and social media pages we are able to get a head start with quotes especially when the client enters all the information required. We can merge directly to Autosoft and the time saving is a blessing. We have images and an instant idea of what we are working with, we can contact the client immediately, agree costs and book in for repairs the same day. This works also when a client just pops in for a quote. Whilst the customer is with us, we can compile an estimate with researched data, be consistent quotes and offer a fair and honest price for their repairs. ”