From 22 May 2023, some changes will take effect in the inspection manual for light goods vehicles (N1 manual). There will also be minor updates to the inspection manual for passenger vehicles (M1 manual).
What are the changes?
The main changes have been made to the following sections in the N1 light goods manual:
- Non-European Standards
- Fuel Tanks (Section 03a)
- Speedometer and Reverse Gear (Section 17)
- Installation of Lights (Section 20)
- End-outline, Position (Side), Stop, Side Marker & Daytime Running Lamps (Section 22)
- Direction Indicators (Section 23)
- Headlamps (Section 25)
- Wash Wipe (Section 35)
- Tyres (Section 46)
- Masses and Dimensions (Section 48)
- Exterior Projections of Cabs (Section 49)
- Electrical Safety (Section 69)
- Electrical Safety (Section 69 – Normal IVA)
- General Construction
These changes are explained in the ’release notes’ at the beginning of the manual (pages 7-8) and in the ‘Record of revision’ page for each section.
Some of the key updates
- Non-European and other acceptable standards – acceptance of Japanese standard for hydrogen and addition of section 25 headlamps (in respect of LED & HID Lumens) to the M1 comparable standards table.
- Fuel tanks – in addition to hydrogen fuel tanks, documentary evidence will also be required for the hydrogen fuel system.
- Speedometer and reverse gear – the permitted speed tolerance has been aligned with UNECE Regulation 39.01.
- Installation of Lights – revised diagrams and text to clarify the ‘view to the front’ and ‘view to the rear’ of vehicles.
Other changes
There is a minor update to M1 IVA Inspection manual (Version 15.1). These will align with the changes introduced in the revised N1 IVA Inspection Manual.
- Installation of Lights (Section 20)
- End-outline, Position (Side), Stop, Side Marker & Daytime Running Lamps (Section 22)
- Direction Indicators (Section 23)
- Tyres (Section 46)
- General Construction