As the majority of bodyshops are reporting a marked decrease in the volume of larger repairs, we would like to try and offer some assistance to NBRA members in capturing and converting local retail repair opportunities.
Our BDQ Lite module is an online pricing calculator, which can be used by consumers to quickly price up their own damage, attach photographs and generate a contact request.
The component can be plugged into a repairer’s website and/or Facebook page and be accessed via a QR-coded flyer or business card.
BDQ Lite is currently used by over a hundred smaller independent bodyshops, by a number of large dealer groups (for cosmetic and SMART repair) as well as by vehicle damage aggregator websites.
We are happy to offer the BDQ Lite component along with a branded flyer (which can be printed or emailed) to NBRA members for six months at no cost – to try to generate some retail work.
Please contact Sheila at Ridgeway Technologies – sheila.bradley@ridgewaytechnologies.co.uk or 07584 074063 – to arrange a very quick (five minute) demo or to request some further details.
“With a one-off cost for an inexpensive interface, and A1 Remote techs on the other end of the line, the idea of sending a vehicle out to the main dealer suddenly seems crazy!”