Membership Spotlight

Boyer’s Body and Service Centre Ltd!

By April 7, 2021 No Comments

NBRA’s third instalment of Membership Spotlight takes a trip to Cromer to meet Matthew Boyer, of Boyer’s Body and Service Centre…

Name: Matthew Boyer

Company Name: Boyer’s Body and Service Centre

Year Established: 2010

Number of Staff: 10 People

  • What made you get into crash repair?

“As a child I was obsessed with anything that had wheels. As a result I wanted to be one of two things when I grew up… Either a car mechanic or a tractor driver. During year ten in high school I had to complete a one week work experience placement. I was unable to find a placement in a garage or a on farm but with some help from my school I was offered a weeks work at a local accident repair centre. This progressed to a Saturday and school holiday job and, after I left school, a modern apprenticeship was offered which I eagerly took.”

  • Have you ever had a “nightmare job” and how did you fix it?

“I think every job has the potential of becoming a nightmare job, and it’s usually the smallest and simplest jobs that cause you grief. The only way around a problem is to persevere until you find a solution.”

  • What’s your biggest industry fear?

 – “My biggest industry fear is a problem many NBRA members will relate too. Skilled technicians who can complete a job to a high standard are in short supply and the ones we do have are getting older. Without finding a way to entice young technicians with the passion and correct mindset to learn a trade like ours, I fear many of the traditional repair skills will be lost.”

  • What aspirations do you have for your business?

“Who knows! I started the business in 2010 as a one man band with a dream. Nearly eleven years on and I have already expanded and diversified more than I had ever imagined was possible. I suppose my main aspiration is to succeed in running a successful and reputable company, and in these uncertain times, I think that’s all anyone can hope for.

  • What’s the most significant change you have experienced since you started?

 – “By far the Biggest change is the progression of electric and hybrid technologies in cars. For better or for worse it looks like something that’s here to stay.

  • Best piece of advice anyone has given you?

 – “‘Cleanliness is next to godliness’. I keep my workshops clean and tidy, especially the paint shop where I work.”

  • What advice would you give someone entering the industry today?

“Go for it! Like I said earlier, the trade needs fresh faces and if you have a passion for cars and  want to learn a skill that will be with you for life, this is a great trade to be in.”

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