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LV= General Insurance Announces a welcome £75+VAT Energy and Inflation Support Fee

NBRA can report that following consultation with ourselves, the energy supply chain and repairers that LV= are seeking to support repairers meet rising energy costs and inflation with a £75 + VAT support fee from 1st October.

Repairer sustainability was a key topic at LVs Sole Site Forum attended by NBRA where energy costs and the general rise of inflation within the UK Repair market was debated.  LV= listened to concerns including staff shortages, increased salary demands, courtesy car costs, material increases and most recently, a rise in energy pricing.  Although the recently announced Government Energy Bill Relief Scheme for UK businesses, charities and public sector organisations has provided a degree of protection for repairers, LV= still committed to finding a way to help which has resulted in this Support Fee being announced.

The scheme will be in place for six months and through the duration of the Energy Bill Relief Scheme. During this period, LV= have said they will monitor the market whilst working with their Network of Repairers and ECA Business Energy to ensure the right support package is given.  A review will be completed at the end of six months and will be adjusted dependent on market conditions.