Industry NewsSpecial Offers

[M]ENABLE: how are YOU feeling?

By September 9, 2022 No Comments

Wellbeing For The Automotive Industry

Exclusive offer for you as an NBRA member


As a leader or owner of a business, you are undoubtedly overwhelmed with ’stuff’ to do.
Had we begun this email talking about mental health and wellbeing, you may well have dismissed it as one more thing to add to the list.

But! Don’t stop reading, because we have an exclusive offer for you as an NBRA or VBRA member!

Mental Health and well-being affect us all – just as physical health does!

Your mental well-being as a leader or manager is susceptible to the strains and pressures of the business as well as your personal life.
For your employees too, the uncertainties, insecurities, and challenges of daily life will be playing a big part in their mindset, engagement, performance, and even commitment.
The cost of living situation alone is seeing the industry lose people to competitors or outside the sector for often as little as an increase of 50p per hour.

You have a myriad of things to consider and understanding your obligations as an employer and what you can do to support your teams has never been more important.

This is why our partner [M]enable, the global movement for mental health support, is offering you a FREE 30-minute consultation to listen to and understand your issues and provide you with some useful hints and tips to move forward.
The team has seen a 28% reduction in stress levels alone just through these short, well-being check-ins. Further help and support are available to our members via [M]enable, but this free check-in is not a sales call and is aimed at offering you a chance to be heard and see what’s out there to support.

You can book your free 30 minute check here:

You can find out more about [M]enable via their website:

Or, join your Crash Repair colleagues on their community app:

“Providing wellbeing and mental health support for everyone in the automotive sector.”

At [M]enable we believe that people perform better when they feel good about themselves, and whilst their mental health is their own responsibility we believe that employers have a commitment to make too – that of creating a “psychologically safe” environment.