
RMI Standards & Certifications (RMISC) statement regarding Coronavirus and BS 10125 audits

By January 20, 2021 February 25th, 2021 No Comments
Dear member,Throughout the pandemic, RMISC has aimed to provide services to as normal a level as possible to all Licence Holders.  At this time, they would like to assure all their Licence Holders and others that they will continue this policy, whilst ensuring that RMISC follow all the government guidance when carrying out BS 10125 audits.

Our current policy is that RMISC will aim to carry out surveillance audits at customer sites as normal, unless there are health reasons which make this impossible.

RMISC have carried out Coronavirus risk assessments for all our activities and our auditors have been provided with guidance for the precautions to be followed when carrying out audits.

Upon arrival on the day, auditors will ensure that the risk of virus transmission is low, including no recent positive cases at the business. Once this has been established, they will then spend their time on site following all company and government guidance, keeping their interaction with company employees to a minimum amount.

RMISC will aim to follow any extra company guidelines they are asked to, with the aim being that all these controls will ensure that everybody involved in the process is kept as safe as possible.

For the actual audit itself, their goal is to keep the process as typical as possible. RMISC understand that these are not normal times and there may be instances where specific audit criteria may be impossible to meet.

RMISC will be sensible and aim to be fair, whilst ensuring that the integrity of the certification process is not compromised and will take the circumstances into consideration and make decisions based on the observations made.

RMISC will continue to monitor government and other guidance and alter the policy as the circumstances dictate. Any changes will be communicated to all bodyshops, allowing sufficient time to make any required changes.

Kind regards,

Membership Support Team