Industry News

NBRA and VBRA Commercial team up with [M]enable and completes the Wellbeing Puzzle.

By April 19, 2022 No Comments

NBRA and VBRA Commercial team up with [M]enable and completes the Wellbeing Puzzle.


In a further step to ensure its members are fully supported the NBRA and VBRA Commercial have teamed up with The Global Mental Health movement for the Automotive Sector, [M]enable. This alliance brings the trade body’s Wellbeing provision for its members a significant piece in the solutions puzzle.


With a commitment to work with the Health and Safety Executive on legislative wellbeing aspects, on-going support for BEN the Industry’s Charity and with senior team members now certified as Mental Health First Aiders, the connection with [M]enable provides another element for members to access support.


Michael Wicks, National Business Development Manager of the NBRA said;


“we are delighted to have the [M]enable team on-board, enabling us to offer a full one-stop-shop for our members and to help them choose the right path for the support of their teams and their wellbeing. Many of our members are small, independent businesses and don’t have access to the resources of the bigger companies, so by working with [M]enable we’ll be able to point them towards yet more tools and support. We’ve seen the great work that [M]enable have been doing to raise awareness in our sector and are excited about the collaboration opportunities with our existing partners to ensure that our members continue to thrive in challenging times”.


Stephen Whitton, Founder of [M]enable said;


“Our purpose is simple –to ensure everyone in automotive is supported AND to give businesses effective employees back! Mental Health and Wellbeing for our colleagues has never been more important than in these uncertain times and so we’re excited to be working with NBRA / VBRA and their existing partners to bring a joined-up value proposition in the most important part of our sector – the people!”


The NBRA will be offering businesses supported membership rates to join the [M]enable Movement and a subsidised access to the employee platform, [M]enable-Me, including an exclusive area for the Body Repair sector (Body Talk) which encourages individuals to chat and support each other. They also plan to hold webinars and workshops for members to help them further navigate the wellbeing requirements for their business.


For further information about [M]enable, please visit