“For many years the ‘Kwik Fit Tyre Insurance Price Guide’ has been the accepted insurance standard that bodyshops have been required to use for the tyre charge out price on insurance invoices. This was a process that worked very well with bodyshops buying tyres from Kwik Fit and making a 20% margin before parts or bottom-line discounts. However, the price list had remained unchanged since 2017 leaving bodyshops in many cases forced to charge less for tyres than they were paying themselves”, said Chris Weeks, Director of the National Body Repair Association (NBRA).
Responding to this issue, the NBRA has over the last 5 months been working to ensure that, a new Insurance Price Guide launched by Kwik Fit on 1 August 2021 addressed industry issues and allowed bodyshops to once again make a margin from fitting tyres where appropriate.
Rupal Rawal, RMI Press Officer
Tel: 020 7307 3412
Mob: 07528 977 157
Press Office direct line: 020 7307 3422
Press Office fax: 020 7307 3406
Web: www.rmif.co.uk Email: rupal.rawal@rmif.co.uk
The Retail Motor Industry represents the interests of operators in England, Wales, Northern Ireland and the Isle of Man providing sales and services to motorists and businesses. The RMI has a formal association with the independent Scottish Motor Trade Association which represents the retail motor industry in Scotland.