Farécla’s G360 Complete System Kit brings together in one easy to order part number KT3018 all the latest enhancements of its flagship G360 Super Fast polishing system.
The kit includes a fully up-dated process wallchart and offers a healthy discount versus the price of the contents if purchased separately (price on application to your distributor).
But there is a unique extra for NBRA and VBRA bodyshop members, thanks to Farécla’s latest product launch – the Check Light and Pen Light above!
Farécla has just added a high spec checklight and handy penlight to its range of polishing accessories. Full details of both are accessible by scrolling down webpage www.farecla.com/product_groups/gplus/ and NBRA has obtained a number of samples for members who purchase the G360 Complete System Kit.
The first 10 member bodyshops to buy a KT3018 kit can in addition claim a G Plus Pen Light (pictured above, list price £27.96 + VAT) from Farécla by emailing a photograph of their proof of purchase plus address details to competitions@farecla.com. Offer only open to bodyshops. Maximum 1 Pen Light can be claimed per bodyshop.
After the 10 Pen Lights have been taken, all further claimants will be entered in a draw to win a Farécla G Plus Checklight (List price £71.34 + VAT) an ideal polishing inspection companion for bodyshop professionals, detailers and car care enthusiasts.
The same restrictions apply as for the Pen Lights. Closing date for both offers is 18th August.