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NBRA calls for clarity on business rates discount

By October 28, 2021 No Comments

Following yesterday’s budget statement, the National Body Repair Association (NBRA) is calling on the Chancellor to confirm that vehicle body repair businesses are eligible for the new one year 50% business rates discount for retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors.


Chris Weeks, NBRA Executive Director comments: “Bodyshops struggled to claim business rate relief  last year – despite being retail outlets, as they were not specifically included on the list of eligible businesses for local authorities. This left bodyshops will little support. We found that some local authorities allowed the rate relief, while others refused, causing confusion in the sector.

“Body repair businesses are in need of financial aid, as they are still recovering from financial losses incurred during the pandemic and are experiencing reduced incomes due to the fall in volume of vehicles using the UK roads.


“It is crucial that bodyshops can claim this new discount to help them to stay afloat and retain their staff, so they can continue their vital work keeping vehicles safe and roadworthy. We urge the Chancellor to ensure that vehicle body repairers are specifically included on the list of businesses eligible for the new business rates discount.”






Rupal Rawal, RMI Press Officer
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