Industry NewsVBRA

5 million signs ups to the MOT reminder service

By November 2, 2023 No Comments

5 million people have now signed up for the MOT reminder service.

The service, which launched in 2017, sends prompts to customers a month before their next MOT is due to remind them to take their vehicle to the test on time.
It aims to keep vehicles safe to drive on Britain’s roads, therefore improving overall road safety.

DVSA will continue to improve the MOT reminder service based on tester and subscriber feedback.

New improvements

From today, 31 October, we are introducing improvements to the service. These include:

  • Customers will no longer get unnecessary reminders for vehicles they no longer own. Instead, DVSA prompt them to update their reminder to their new vehicle.
  • DVSA will automatically unsubscribe a vehicle if the owner has notified DVLA that is has been scrapped