Todd engineering became the first spray booth company to go carbon neutral by attaining a PAS 2060 certification earlier in the year.
They are committed to removing carbon emissions from their business, and their product range proudly offered to their customers.
With that in mind, Todd Engineering has once again evolved its product series with the edition of the new fully electric Zeus spray booth.
Todd Engineering is best known for bringing the latest technology to the spray booth market and finding innovative solutions for their customers.
The Zeus booth incorporates Electric IR technology into a high-performance Todd Engineering spray booth, giving the ultimate paint finish, substantial energy savings the ability to run on renewable energy sources, meaning zero carbon emissions.
As a bonus, for existing Todd Engineering customers, you can get a quote to upgrade your existing spray booth to a Zeus series spray booth.
As a result, you will not have to remove your current spray booth. Instead, Todd Engineering can retrofit the equipment into your existing booth, saving time, money and no wasted material.
The Todd Engineering ZEUS spray booth is now available to customers; contact our head office to discuss this innovative equipment further.