COVID-19Industry News

DfT stats: Transport use during the coronavirus pandemic

By September 15, 2021 No Comments

The DfT has updated stats for transport use during the pandemic.


Stats now go up to and include the 13th of September 2021.


On the 13th of September:

  • Motor vehicle use was at 100% of what would be expected on an equivalent day – level with 100% last week
  • National rail use was predicted to be 57% of what would be expected on an equivalent day – down from 60% last week
  • London tube use was at 51% of what would be expected on an equivalent day – up from 50% last week
  • Bus use in London was at 71% of what would be expected on an equivalent day – level with 71% last week
  • Bus use outside of London was at 74% of what would be expected on an equivalent day – up from 60% last week
  • Cycling use was at 82% of what would be expected on an equivalent day (stats for the 10th )