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NBRA Chairman Richard Thorogood comments on Greener Body Shop Awards

By September 16, 2021 No Comments

“I just wished to extend my appreciation to the winners, finalists and sponsors of the NBRA Greener Bodyshop Awards last week.  My brief was to arrange an awards that was more fun, more informal, more intimate but still seriously get the message across that our industry is changing.

As the new NBRA Chairman I felt it was important that body repairers are seen in the public eye to be pro-active, concerned about the environment and importantly in view of the current challenges we have, a sympathetic caring equal opportunities employer.

I think the team delivered this and the repair industry has to be congratulated for some incredible award entries.  I really am encouraged by how seriously we are adopting Green and CSR and I can only see it growing as consumers and hence insurers increasingly look at their supply chain to deliver on corporate ideals.

We are maturing as an industry and I am already looking forward to the 2022 event!”

Richard Thorogood – NBRA Chairman