
Useful information regarding Governments Furlough scheme, for NBRA members

By January 20, 2021 No Comments
Dear member,

HMRC have been running a number of online presentations to help businesses during the pandemic. Today‘s presentation focused on the Corona Virus Retention Scheme (Furlough), which NBRA would like to share with members as a recap.

Some of the key points taken from the presentation include:

  • Furlough will pay 80% of wages, but you still pay NI, pension and tax
  • Maximum £2500 a month
  • Recipients will be paid within 6 days of claim
  • Needs to be claimed within 14 days of the payment period
  • You can only make 1 claim per month
  • You will need to keep written records for 6 months

Below we would like to include a range of useful links that should be really helpful:

Kind regards,

Membership Support Team